Saturday, 11 April 2009

DIY Gel Holder

DIY Gel Holder, originally uploaded by Venn Diagram.

I mentioned a while ago, that I had a solution to attaching gels to flashes without sticking velcro to the head. Well, here it is in all it's glory - basically the same thing, but without ending up with stuff glued to your gear. I call it...

"My solution to putting gels on a flash"

1) These are the fellas you need, velcro ties and some velcro stick-on tape

2) Velcro ties - essentially just double sided velcro, through the loop at the end is pretty useful (if a bit tricky - this stuff sticks to itself no problem)

3) Wrap a velcro tie around the head of your flash - my advice would be "soft side down", as this gives a bit more puchase and is unlikely to slip

4) Use the velco tape to attach pieces to your gels - if you've gone "soft side down" in number 3), then you need to use the soft tape here

5) Attach the tabs of velcro tape to the tie on the head, likewise the one at the top

6) Finished article - the whole thing can be pushed back a bit to ensure a snug fit

I've done the same thing using squares of black card to control the light at the sides - two of the ties is better for this, and it gives more control

Hope you like it...

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